Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Boston -Sports Capitol?

This is the time if the year that the playoffs seem to dominate everything on television and what people are talking about here in the Boston area. I often wonder what it is about Boston that creates the most dedicated fans in all of sports. I think I can say that with impunity after watching the reaction in the papers to the Celtics and Bruins making their big comebacks last night. And, how about those Red Sox, winning in spite of half the team on the disabled list? So what is it about this city that makes it so special?

My theory is that it is because of the seasons in New England that causes people here to become so engrossed in sports. Each of the major sports represents a time of year that is distinctly linked with that sport; Fall football, Spring and Summer Baseball, Winter basketball and hockey. To a true sports fan, these seasons are synonymous with each sport and regardless of which sport they follow the seasonal changes are caught up with the rhythmic pattern of living in New England.

I was never a big sports fan until I moved here as a young married man. Although, as a child I followed baseball, I didn't love it the way I love watching and following the Red Sox; in fact I was a Yankee fan when I was a kid. I like basketball but don't watch much of it except when the Celtics are in the playoffs and I dislike Hockey and never watch it at all. But I did learn to love football and for me the two seasons that I look forward to the most are Spring, summer and Fall. If we get lucky and make the playoffs, winter through February is livable.

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