Friday, April 17, 2009

The "Ugly Duck turns into a Swan" Fairytale

As kids we all know that fairy tale, how the little ugly duck became that gorgeous white Swan. It is an age old tale that speaks to our fondest dreams. And, when we can actually view it happening, as we now can on You Tube's posting of the singer Susan Boyle's "Britain's Got Talent" amateur competition, how sweet and moving it is. It moved me even more than the performance of Paul Potts on the same show in June of 2007.

Yes, it was that long ago, remember how that chubby cell phone salesman electrified the audience with his first notes of the aria Nessun Dorma ? I think I watched it a dozen times.

I thought at that time "wow how sweet a moment it is for him". But I must admit, that moment was topped when a dowdy 47 year old lady, who looks like a perfect rendition of a British grandmother nanny, opened her mouth and belted out "I Dreamed a Dream". The audience reacted instantly and you could see genuine surprise in the eyes of Simon and the other judges. Instant, gorgeous Swan conveyed by a bell like voice delivered like a professional. I don't know how these contestants are chosen and how much foreknowledge there is by the judges; surely Susan Boyle and Paul Potts sang to someone to get onto to that platform. But I do have to say that it made for two great moments almost exactly two years apart.