Sunday, April 1, 2007

Spring has Sprung

There is nothing like the first days of Spring in New England. Even before the grass turns to that beautiful shade of blue green and the crocus start to show. For some people its the flowering of the Forsythia or the first Tulips color blaze. For me, its when the girls shed their jackets and start to wear shorts or mini skirts that put those so youthful bodies on display. What a cheerful sight it is, living here in the Boston area with its youthful population that renews itself every year as the colleges fill up and then graduate. And, as I age and my own body seems to be out of control, legs not as quick, tiring by the middle of the afternoon; I so enjoy gazing out my window and watching those bursts of youthful energy and beauty walking to and from school. I am reminded that life's cycle is unending and how privileged I am to be alive in yet another Spring.